

Find your balance with trusted chiropractic care in Paragon Orchard

Chiropractor in Orchard

Address & Contact No.

Address: 290 Orchard Rd, #06-11 Paragon, Singapore 238859

Phone No: +65 6817 2147

WhatsApp+65 8383 9898

Opening Hours

Monday: 2–6 pm
Tuesday: 9 am–7 pm
Wednesday: 10 am–7 pm
Thursday: 9 am–7 pm
Friday: 10 am–7 pm
Saturday: 8:30 am–1 pm
Sunday: Closed

*Closed on public holidays

How to Get There

Nearest MRT Stations

  • Orchard (Exit A) North South Line, Thomson-East Coast Line

Bus Services

7 14, 14e, 16, 65, 106, 111, 123, 175, 502, 502A, 502B