David Miller D.C.
Specialty: Chiropractic
- Doctor of Chiropractic (USA)
- Member of Chiropractic Association of Ireland
Professional Experience
Miller, our senior Chiropractor, has been in practice thirty years. Before returning to school in his mid- thirties, he was involved in the spa business and practiced as a massage therapist and chiropractic assistant to the famous Dr. John Wilkinson of Wilkinson’s Hot Springs in Calistoga, California. Doctor Miller is a native New Yorker, but spent the majority of his years in Northern California, near the Wine Country of Napa Valley and Sonoma County. He at one time, had arguably the largest personal injury practice in the San Francisco Bay Area.
For the last 15 years Miller has practiced in many countries around the world, including Ireland, Malaysia, Qatar, Ghana and here in Singapore. Miller brings not only multiple technique proficiencies to True Chiropractic, but a solid foundation in nutrition as well. He also believes that a patient’s positive outcomes and healing are best achieved when the doctor understands the patients objectives, willingness, and capabilities, and customises his approach accordingly. To achieve this, active listening and highly developed interpersonal skills are every bit as important as solid diagnostic and adjusting technique.